Ashmayu: Our Newsletter

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Probabilistic vs. Deterministic

I recently came across an interesting excerpt from Anil Anantha swamy’s...

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Story of the Year

Over the last 5 years we have relished the tradition of reflecting, and picking a story..

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Best Books I Read in 2023

Year endings are a time for reflections and traditions. One of the traditions for me has been to reflect upon the..

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Auto Industry- A Case Study In Disruption

Dear Investor, Almost 50% of our domestic manufacturing is linked to..

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Dear Investor, For the past four years, it has become tradition for me to pick a ‘story of the financial year’ .

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Story of the year

Dear Investor, Almost 50% of our domestic manufacturing is linked to automobiles and its supply chain.

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Best Books I Read in 2022

‘Investing is a liberal art’ is not just a corny poster we put up in our office but something we truly believe in.

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Stories Explain Anomalies

Dear Investor, Last week I was on a vacation in Slovenia. While wandering the streets of Ljubljana..

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