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About Tamohara Investment Managers

Tamohara Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. is a SEBI registered Portfolio Management Service (PMS) that provides a boutique alternative investment solutions to eligible individuals and institutional investors. Our investment philosophy is rooted in understanding the cash flow generating ability of businesses. We seek to provide consistent risk adjusted returns over the long term using a well-documented process.

Our Investment Philosophy

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Higher Rate of Change

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Market Share Gains

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Improving ROE

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Declining Leverage

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Superior/Increasing Cash flow generation!

Our Investment Process

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Large External Opportunity

Is there an emerging opportunity or a will result in outsized cash flow generation for the relevant companies in the future?”

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Business Quality

Is this business capable of generating a rate of return substantially above the cost of capital thus resulting in outsized cash flow generation?

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Management Quality

Will this management deliver superior cash flow generation vs peers? Will this management allow minority shareholders to benefit from its cash flows?

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At what price do our base case future cash flows allow us to buy the company today?

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Pre Mortem

What are the most likely idiosyncratic factors that will impact the assumed future cash flows?

Our Offerings

Tamohara Long Term Equity Strategy

TLES invests predominantly in small-and-mid-cap companies, with up to 20% tactical allocation in large cap companies in unusual circumstances.

The focus is on companies in the initial stages of the business life cycle, showing a potential for faster growth rates. We do a considerable amount of research to select companies to reduce the chance of execution risks, hence maximizing long-term gains.

Tamohara Q Strategy

Q is a nimble portfolio that executes without any human emotional biases. Q selects companies in their growing cash flows phase but also has the discipline in cutting out great companies from the portfolio when they cease to be great investments. Q is the dean’s list of BSE200 as per Tamohara’s proprietary stock scoring system.

Tamohara India Opportunities Strategy

TIOS is a multi-cap strategy that invests in larger and midcap companies, independent of sector or benchmark.

It is focused on 15-18 high-quality businesses with a proven business model, well-established track-record and have demonstrated leadership in their industries. Exit when fair value targets are achieved /invest in good business opportunities, free cash flow, capital efficient, quality management, & competitive advantage. TIOS invests predominantly in Structural : 60-70% , Tactical 30-40%. TIOS is suitable for investors seeking to compound wealth at reasonable rates, with lower volatility.

Tamohara Truffle Flexicap Strategy

The investment objective of this portfolio is to deliver absolute wealth creation through a concentrated, long only, public equities portfolio. This strategy invests in companies which take advantage of an emerging external addressable opportunity ensuring strong growth prospects, and which pass our fundamental quality requirements. This strategy is market cap, sector and benchmark agnostic and should be judged on absolute market cap basis.

We do the research, analysis and selection.
Compounding and time does the rest.

Knowledge Corner

At Tamohara, we know inspiration can strike from anywhere. Which is why we encourage our analysts to read and
experience new things – some of those learnings are distilled here for you.

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Ashmayu: Our Newsletter

Meaning ‘rays of light’, our newsletter showcases thoughts by our employees drawing lessons from not just investments and companies, but everyday life.

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Snapshots that Wow!

Our team curates a selection of fabulous articles and blog posts for you! A series of Snapshots, insights, and articles that make you go WOW!

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Investment Team


Sheetal Malpani

Chief Investment Officer

Harini Dedhia

Head of Research